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About us

Our attempt to co-create has begun by our common interest to help our fellow humans (and ourselves) to come closer to more natural ways of living. Today's man has moved away from nature, and consequently the human body has "forgotten" in a sense its innate mechanism for repairing its malfunctions. Stress has overwhelmed our lives and is believed to be one of the root causes of the health problems faced by modern humans. Furthermore, nutrition due to the modern way of handling it, it does not provide us with as many nutrients as our body needs in order to function on a daily basis. In addition, the quality of the food we have at our disposal and the quality of the arable land is not the same as it used to be in the past. Consequently, the body of modern man often loses its balance and becomes vulnerable to illness..

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Dr. med.Petronela Nemesszeghyova as a specialist General Family Doctor & Homeopathic Doctor with extensive experience in preventive medicine, diagnosis and treatment of a vast array of adult and children’s illnesses and Chris Chryssapostolou (MBA, & MLS & BA in Sociology & Social Psychology) as a specialist consultant in social and psychological matters and with extensive experience in the area of ​​human resources management, career counseling and business consulting have combined their knowledge, experiences, abilities and love for man and nature in order to offer the most effective assistance to the community to solve possible existing health problems and prevent others from occurring through a process of co-creation with key assisting factors nature and love.