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Holistic Medicine

The terms "holism" and “holistic” originate from the Greek word «όλον [olon]» ("all"). The term holistic describes a new field of medicine that changes the health perspective as we know it and examines health issues at all levels. It is based on the fact that the human being is not only a biological mechanism of separate organs, but a multilevel being with a single psychorganic ensemble.

holistic medicine

Holistic medicine, in other words, is a different philosophy of approach to health that sees the individual as a whole and not as heart, lung, bones, etc. Classical medicine has made quantum leaps over the past decades, but to do so, it has been fragmented into many small and detached sections. There is a specialist for the heart, the blood pressure, the blood sugar, the bones, the stomach, etc. Every expert is perfect in dealing with the organ disorders he knows well but overlooks the rest of the body.

The Holistic Doctor will see the person as a whole and heal the individual as a whole and not just the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, etc. In Holistic Medicine, symptoms are considered as the expression of the disease, not the disease itself. Symptoms, of course, are evaluated and taken into consideration, however, the aim is not deal only with them but also with the overall health. In the context of health, the absence of symptoms is important, but not the only thing that the practitioner should be concerned with.

The holistic physician has studied classical medicine and finds it very useful, utilizing it in his daily practice via laboratory tests, imaging and other examinations and diagnostics and, in some cases, with chemical drugs. The main difference with the classical family doctor is that he tries to avoid or delay or restrict the use of chemical drugs, and considers the prevention of disease to be of superior importance in relation to the treatment and attaches a great deal of importance to it. Holistic medicine makes use of all possible forms of treatment, both by physical means (nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, hormonal harmonization, exercise, counseling, etc.) as well as by prescribing various remedies (dietary supplements, herbs, homeopathic medicines). Finally, when the holistic physician finds it necessary, he/she will still use chemical drugs.