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EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

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Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), often known as EFT tapping, is a holistic therapeutic tool that can deliver impressive results for physical, emotional and performance problems.

EFTs are based on the assumption that, no matter what part of your life you need to improve, there are open emotional issues that get in your way. Even for physical problems, chronic pain or diagnosed conditions, it is generally accepted that any form of emotional stress is capable of inhibiting the natural therapeutic potential of the human body.

In many cases, EFTs can be applied directly to physical symptoms to relieve them without exploring deeper emotional factors that affect them. However, for more powerful, long-term results with EFT, we need to identify and target related emotional issues.

EFT can be a continuous process that we use to clarify the old traumas and to welcome the new challenges with a healthy, productive attitude.
